Sharing Your Work

6. OCT. 2023

Sharing Your Work

Turning Vulnerability into Your Loudest Voice.

Hey guys,

It's been a minute. How are you? I've missed writing these newsletters, so it's great to be back!

If you were wondering why you didn't receive an email last week, this is the reason why.

Today's newsletter we're going to talk about the essence of vulnerability in our creative journey: Sharing our work.

At a glance, sharing online seems like child's play with a few taps and keystrokes. But there's so much more to it than meets the eye.

Let's dive right into it.

Why Sharing Matters

Want to make a difference in today's digital world?

It's not about sitting in your cozy corner, crafting the 'perfect' piece, and then locking it away.

No. Making a difference requires courage—the courage to share.

It's about stepping out, presenting your creation to the world, and whispering, "Here, this is what I've made. What do you think?"

It's not easy to do that. And it's not comfortable to do that.

The act of sharing is vulnerable.

When you share something with someone, you're laying out a piece of your heart for others to see, and critique.

Polished vs. Raw: Striking a Balance

There's a beauty to the raw, to the real. It lets your audience feel you in every word and every pixel.

Overly polished work leaves no room for interesting conversations to happen. When it's raw, your personality shines through more—making your work relatable to some people.

When sharing work that is not polished, you get to feel the emotions behind it.

If we wait to share something until it's 'perfect', will we ever experience the unique opportunity to inspire someone?

It's not about creating something that's bad. No, it's about putting it out there when it's ready enough.

And how would you know if it's ready enough?

When you are about 90% done, and leaving the 10% for conversations.

The conversations and critiques you receive will make your work better.

The Art of Being Generous

People don't just connect with a well-written article or a beautifully created artwork—they connect with you.

When we create something we tend to overthink a lot and begin to self-doubt. "Is it good enough? Will it resonate? What will they think? Will they even like this?"

We've to train our minds to focus more on the act of creation itself, and less on the 'what-ifs' and 'buts'.

The more we create. The more we've got the opportunity to share something.

Sharing with others is an act of generosity.

Every time you share a piece, a thought, or an idea—it's like tossing a pebble into a pond. The ripple of your influence touches hearts and souls.

Your Unique Voice

In today's digital age, the content isn't enough. What's more important than the content is the context of the content.

It's about adding a bit of 'you' to what you create.

When people start to feel you in your work that's when you know you've made a difference in someone's life.

And to me that's powerful!

Before leaving you off the hook, here's a little prompt for reflection while we're on the topic:

  1. Can you recall a time when sharing your work led to an unexpected outcome? An appreciation, a critique, or a connection maybe?

I'd love to hear your answer to the prompt. If you want to, feel free to send me an email or DM me on X.

Thanks a lot for reading, as always.

If you enjoyed the issue, please share it with someone you think will enjoy it, too.

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Until next time,

Stay inspired!


A Bit of Inspiration

Every Friday, I send out a newsletter that fuels your creativity, broadens your horizons, and explores overlooked ideas. All to spark your own journey of self-discovery and transformation.

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